WBA New Website Our Business Directory has been extended and upgraded. Please check your listing and email any changes or additions/deletions using the online form. The WBA website gets a lot of visitors, especially the Business Directory. As well as an enhanced entry which includes a logo, members now also have the option to have a whole page within the directory. Any members that would like to take advantage of this service should get in touch. The new website also includes a blog/news page. Any member is very welcome to post a blog entry, just email us with your prose and we'll post it for you. You can also sign up to receive news updates by clicking here. Breakfast Meeting
We ran a survey earlier in the year to get some feedback from the membership about what type of activities you would like to see from the WBA. More networking events was the most popular suggestion by far! Therefore please join us for a: Breakfast Meeting Tuesday 25th November 8am - 9am The Fat Fox £10.00A great opportunity to meet other local businesses in Watlington, whilst enjoying breakfast at The Fat Fox. Guest Speaker: Raphael Mahoney - Computer Assistance Raphael is the founder of Computer Assistance, an Oxford based IT support company offering a wide range of professional IT services to business and organisations. Raphael is a regular speaker on BBC Radio Oxford providing help and advice to their audience in an understandable language! 'Business in the Cloud' Cloud computing has proved a huge benefit to business - especially small businesses. With cloud services, small businesses reap the benefits of not having to deploy physical infrastructure like file and e-mail servers, storage systems or packaged software. The availability of these solutions, means hassle-free collaboration among business partners and employees. Reserve your place now by clicking here. Places are limited so best to book early!